4th regiment of foot
4th regiment of foot

On that day, the Light Infantry Company was present at both Lexington Green and Concord's North Bridge when the First Shot and the Shot Heard 'Round the World were fired. On April 19, 1775, the Light Infantry and Grenadier companies were part of the expeditionary force sent by General Gage to capture the arms being stockpiled by the militia in Concord, MA. The Tenth Regiment played an important role in the early events of the American Revolution. If you are motivated and have the time and the dedication, maybe you too can become part of America's premier re-created British Regiment. You are invited to browse through this web site and learn more about the Tenth Foot.

4th regiment of foot 4th regiment of foot

His Majesty's Tenth Regiment of Foot in America is a historically re-created infantry unit formed to portray the service of the British Army during the American War for Independence.Ĭomposed of three types of soldiers, Grenadiers, Light Infantry, and Battalion, as well as a company of Music and a Corps of Civilian Volunteers, the members of the Tenth are accurately uniformed, equipped, and trained in 18th century military drill and life so that we appear in public as members of the British Army would have in 1775.

4th regiment of foot